Flowers for Jasper | 8x10" Acrylic on Canvas


This piece was created to mourn a loss and to paint through grief. The impasto strokes of the background capture anger, malaise, and tears as they fall like rain. The pastel flowers are laid gently in contrast. Gladiolus flowers, which mean “you pierce my heart”, are paired with Yarrow “to heal a broken heart.”

Jasper was a beautiful, golden mackerel tabby my late sister adopted. She loved him like her own son, holding him close under the covers when they slept at night. When he passed in December 2023, it re-opened the old wounds of losing my sister for the whole family. He was a part of her, and now the biggest reminder we had of her was gone. The news pierced my heart and knocked me back into the grief of losing my sister all over again.

Although the piece was made in grief, joyful colors are used with the intention of lifting my spirit. They are a reminder of all the good memories and love we had for both of them. We only feel grief this deep in death because we loved so deeply in life.

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This piece was created to mourn a loss and to paint through grief. The impasto strokes of the background capture anger, malaise, and tears as they fall like rain. The pastel flowers are laid gently in contrast. Gladiolus flowers, which mean “you pierce my heart”, are paired with Yarrow “to heal a broken heart.”

Jasper was a beautiful, golden mackerel tabby my late sister adopted. She loved him like her own son, holding him close under the covers when they slept at night. When he passed in December 2023, it re-opened the old wounds of losing my sister for the whole family. He was a part of her, and now the biggest reminder we had of her was gone. The news pierced my heart and knocked me back into the grief of losing my sister all over again.

Although the piece was made in grief, joyful colors are used with the intention of lifting my spirit. They are a reminder of all the good memories and love we had for both of them. We only feel grief this deep in death because we loved so deeply in life.

This piece was created to mourn a loss and to paint through grief. The impasto strokes of the background capture anger, malaise, and tears as they fall like rain. The pastel flowers are laid gently in contrast. Gladiolus flowers, which mean “you pierce my heart”, are paired with Yarrow “to heal a broken heart.”

Jasper was a beautiful, golden mackerel tabby my late sister adopted. She loved him like her own son, holding him close under the covers when they slept at night. When he passed in December 2023, it re-opened the old wounds of losing my sister for the whole family. He was a part of her, and now the biggest reminder we had of her was gone. The news pierced my heart and knocked me back into the grief of losing my sister all over again.

Although the piece was made in grief, joyful colors are used with the intention of lifting my spirit. They are a reminder of all the good memories and love we had for both of them. We only feel grief this deep in death because we loved so deeply in life.